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  • 🛍️ Storefront: order now, pay later

🛍️ Storefront: order now, pay later

Accept sponsorship requests without upfront payment – customize, validate, and upsell your offering.

Storefront: order now, pay later

Storefront has enabled publishers to easily showcase and sell their ad inventory.

Media operators can set up one or more Storefronts, share them across their channels, and receive inbound sponsorships ready to be published. Is that simple! We couldn’t explain it better than Tad Moore, Director Of Operations for Northwest Arkansas Daily:

He particularly likes how Sponsy allows him to create custom storefronts with set times, pricing, and inventory constraints. This flexibility enables him to target specific groups, like startup incubators or clients with pre-agreed pricing.

Recently, he shared: “You had mentioned it eventually might not need to be paid for upfront with Stripe and people could still request dates. Is that still on the horizon?“

The answer is YES and the horizon is NOW. Our goal is to make Storefront adapt to your needs, not the other way around. A Storefront without upfront payment has many use cases, such as validating interest on specific dates and potentially upselling a larger package later on.

Disabling the payment on Storefront checkout is now available to all publishers! 🛍️

Excited to try it out? Jump into your Storefront settings to get started.

Many thanks to Tad for this great feature request 💣

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Set your “from“ name on automated emails

Set your “from“ name on automated emails sent from Sponsy.

With Sponsy powerful Automation’s builder, publishers can automate nearly any repetitive task.

Move the ad management to the next assignee, clean up unpaid ads cluttering your ad inventory, and notify your advertisers of missing assets or ad reporting. These are just some examples how much you can automate with Sponsy.

When sending outbound emails, it's crucial to set up your custom domain. Since you own the relationship with your advertisers, the communication should come directly from you.

Setting your custom domain not only maintains brand consistency but also lets you customize the “from” name, adding a personal touch to every automated email.

This small yet impactful tweak improve your professionalism and helps build stronger, more direct connections with your advertisers.

Deserved shout-out goes to Jordan Berger from CRE Daily for the feature request! 🙏

Overstory Media Group

A Media Operator