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  • 🧩 Placement custom fields

🧩 Placement custom fields

Specify your placement fields, restrict your publications access and deliver reporting via our customer portal

🎉 We are very excited about this one! It's finally here, custom fields for your placements.

You can now add that extra field that you were missing!

These fields are customizable within your publication settings and will show up in the content tab of every slot. Also, they will then be available for your sponsors to fill.

Portal Custom fields

You can go wild and add specifically all the requirement you have for each placement. Main placement needs a header image, title, copy, another image, and a url? You got it!

This way your sponsors will know exactly what they need to deliver to you ahead of time and will see the fields you want in their portal!

Slot booking Multiple field types

We let you pick what are the fields that matter the most for you. Instagram carousel? 5 images and one url please.

We started with these and we're planning more types in the future. If you need a type that is not on the list, let us know!

🚫 Publication access

Is your team growing and do you want to restrict access of a certain member to a specific newsletter? Now, you can select which publications every single team member has access.

And we are working on more fine-grained permissions, coming very soon.

Go to Settings > Team > Choose a team member and select allowed publications.

📈 Reporting

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have reporting in the customer portal?

That's now available via the ad slot panel 👇

Simply fill in the reporting info and they'll show up in the customer portal

Both you and your advertiser will be able to see at a glance performance in a centralized place 🙌 

📅 Ad due date

Last but not least, the ad due date can now be specified for a slot. This provides additional clarity to your advertiser when things are due, minimizing last-minute changes.

Did you know? 🧐

You can now upload your workspace logo and your own profile picture.

For the workspace logo go to Settings > Workspace tab

For your own profile pic go to Settings > Profile

PS: Check out the redesign on the new settings page ❤️