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  • 📈 Metrics, Revenue & Reporting

📈 Metrics, Revenue & Reporting

Discover fill rates, revenue trends, top customers, and more

Ever wonder how your publications perform over time? Who are your top customers? Are you selling above or below your base price?

These and many other questions can now be answered by a press of a button.

✨ Metrics

We are excited to announce the launch of our metrics page, now featuring a wide range of additional insights. With this update, we aim to provide our users with a more comprehensive and detailed analysis of their data such as:

  • Fill rate over time

  • Revenue over time

  • Top customers

  • Placements performance

Just press that shiny 📈 button on your publication calendar on top to see it.

💰 Revenue Recognition

We built a dedicated page just for revenue recognition. Here, you can detect deviations from the placement base price and see if the sales team is selling each slot below the target.

Pro tip - Price on new slots

If you want to automatically fill up the slot price with your base placement price every time you create a new slot, just toggle this option on the placement settings.

You can always override the price on the slot level if you need to.

🔎 Reports

What if you need to provide information to a board of directors or you want to present some fancy charts or just query all your data and see it in a neat table?

(Everyone needs tables from time to time).

Now you can! Select the filters you need and hit that search button with all you got.

Want to fine-tune your search, click on "Advanced search" to expand more filters.

Missing something?

Do let us know by replying to this email.

Pro tip - Export to CSV

Do you want to build your own reports, just press the export button and export the data to CSV or JSON.

Did you know? 🧐

Did you know you can have all your Sponsy notifications sent from your own brand domain?

And you can define different domains for different publications. Say whaaat? 😱

Check it out Settings > Domains.